Monday, September 14, 2009


Just a reminder- tomorrow is the Primary elections so go out and vote! I am a poll worker for Layton City and we have to be at the polls from 6am to 9pm. It makes for a long day when no one comes to vote. Plus this is the election that narrows the field down to the ones you can vote for in the general election in November and the person you may want may not make it through the Primaries without your vote! So, do your duty...and vote!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mom! Have fun working at the polls. Hopefully it's a little more entertaining than the last primary election we did. Well...I guess it wasn't too bad. I read a whole book, we worked on a puzzle, dad brought us pizza, we watched TV...and we got paid $125 (or was it $150?) Not too bad :)
